The citizens of Kadzandani ward can now have access to safe and credible voting station thanks to the IEBC after it established and gazette the Kadzandani primary and secondary school as a voter and poling center for the residents of Kadzandani ward in Nyali Sub County.
Kadzandani ward boasts of a population of approximately, 39,905 residents being the highest populated ward within Nyali Sub County and third most populace in Mombasa County. Situated in the North Eastern part of the county and representing a bigger share per population per capita of Nyali Sub County. Kadzandani ward residents have played key role in choosing the leadership of their ward and the county in general. Since the inception of Tuyazungumuze Community Initiative the residents of Junda were the key targets in the implementation of the project and mainly in addressing constitutionalism, bill of rights, citizen participation, and devolution in regards to accountable leadership and quality service delivery by the County Government of Mombasa.
The ward had been side-lined for many years in terms of representation by the county government arm of executive in regards to provision of a ward representative. This has hindered development agendas within the ward in terms of provision of good accessible roads, street lights, and clean water among others.
“For many years the residents of Kadzandani ward have been exercising their patriotic rights by voting for the leadership they desire. However this had taken a toll order on the residents as the key polling station situated in Posta area in Kadzandani ward has been a greater challenge to the community during the registration and voting processes over the years. Over the years IEBC has been allocating voter services to the poling station however the space has been inhabitable due to insecurity issues that has been experienced during electioneering period. Inaccessibility to the station due to poor infrastructure especially during rainy seasons hindered the citizens of Kadzandani and subsequently IEBC personnel from conducting their duties effectively. During the early months of this year one Mkala Shanga a civic educator supported by Kwacha Afrika visited us and took us through a civic education sessions in which we were enlightened on the issue of constituonalism, voter education and civic education. ”
Said Mr. Joseph Mutune, village elder-Kashani kwa bulo.
In every General Election, voter and civic education are necessary to ensure that all people understand their rights, the political system, the contest they are being asked to decide and how and where to vote.
For an election to be successful and democratic, voters must understand their rights and responsibilities, and must be educated on how to participate meaningfully in the electoral process.
Voter and civic education are even more critical in post-conflict countries like Kenya where political situations may be volatile and election results may have an unprecedented impact on the country’s future – unpleasant events of the disputed 2007, 2013 and 2017 General Election results are still fresh in our minds. This led to Mkala Shanga, Kwacha Afrika’s civic educator to reach out to Tim Cash group with civic education and mainly look into the importance of voter education and participation of citizen in the
voting process.
“I have been working closely with Tim Cash for many years now and them being a part of Kwa Bulo community they have immense interest in issues that affect their communities. They consists of village elders and from different areas and this meant that issues affecting communities could be easily tackled.” He continued, “I took upon myself to conduct a civic education session on voting processes and role of citizens in election processes, thereafter Tim Cash members identified a problem that would be a stumbling block whereby they identified lack of voting area for their community members. Through the civic education process which I had undertaken with them, they came to a conclusion to write a request letter to the IEBC manager Nyali sub county demanding transfer of voter station from Kwa bulo posta to Kwa bulo secondary and primary school. The IEBC office Nyali responded positively by agreeing to move the station from Posta area to now Kwa Bulo secondary and primary school “.
Concluded Mr. Mkala Shanga- Civic Educator.
During the electioneering period, the IEBC consequently gazetted the Kwa- Bulo primary school to be one of the polling station to be used during the designated Election Day. With Kwa bulo primary having being identified and approved by the IEBC together with the community of Kadzandani ward the resident of the ward can now enjoy the opportunity of exercising their voter rights within the proximity
of their homes.